Focus on method goal, not on end goal

A while ago, I saw Anthony Pierri's post, which said

“I've taken 100s of sales calls since starting Fletch. I ask every person, "why did you book this call?" No one has ever said "I'm trying to increase revenue"”

Yes, that’s always the end goal.

But that’s the end goal of EVERY activity in business. Or at least should be.

Even brand marketing or SEO.

But this isn’t what you should focus on in your marketing communication.

You should focus on the method goal.

The specific job-to-be-dones you’re helping people achieve. Those smaller day-to-day stuff.

That compound and help them to achieve that bigger goal.

Emma Stratton called this disease “going too far when selling features”.

She said that we tend to go too far with conveying the big business value of a single important feature. Instead, you should focus on small, specific value.

For big business value like “growing revenue”, to really happen, 100s of puzzle pieces must fall in line.

But we’’ve all seen those “grow your business, increase revenue” ads, contents, websites.

And I can confirm based on seeing hundreds of Wynter's message tests:, everyone indeed hates them.

But, of course, you must tie your product back to the revenue. You have to make a business case.

Especially if it's a new and innovative solution to what there’s no pre-existing budget line.

You have to create case studies, examples, clear playbooks, etc that the person shopping can share with their buying committees and budget controllers

But, this isn’t the thing to lead with. Or focus on.

Instead, you should focus on how you help those target buyers achieve the method goal that’s been assigned to them.

In their day-to-day life, they might not even care so much about increasing revenue btw.

They care about increasing website conversions. So they shop for messaging products. Or for product animation tools.

Or they care about clearing up their Hubspot data so they wouldn’t have to do things manually. So they shop for RevOps service to save 69h of time per month.

You have to know the top 1 priority in their day-to-day work right now, and address that.

So what’s the not so small “small” value you’re gonna bring to your target customer?

Say that. Instant relevance. And where there’s relevance, there are conversions.